InstaTemp MD

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An Independent



Design Partners/Arc Devices


Taking a temperature is such a common practice that often its importance as a medical diagnostic tool is over-looked. But temperature reading and temperature trend data can inform early medical action that saves lives. In the context of providing medical aid to third world countries (such as Liberia during the country’s civil war and Ebola outbreak), an accurate thermometer, which does not depend on consumables for infection control, becomes a lifesaving tool of significant importance.


The InstaTemp MD designed by Design Partners for Arc Devices is a non-touch thermometer that measures core body temperature, a significant medical science advantage over traditional thermometers. Design Partners reflected the simplicity of the product and the cleverness of the Arc Devices technology in the design experience: one touch and one button give accurate core temperature reading in a second. The Arc product is available at 70% less cost, the technology is cutting edge and it is unaffected by climate.The product is researched, designed, developed and manufactured in Ireland.

Design Partners is a strategic design consultancy that has created award winning and best selling products and experiences for over 30 years. Design Partners’ expertise is at the intersection of artefact and experience – where the design of the physical object and digital interaction are seamlessly integrated into a beautiful experience, creating meaningful connections between people and brands.